Mittwoch, 25. März 2009


I could so crash you into a fucking wall right now!!
Back the fuck off, will ya man!?
Grrr~ I'm totally agressive since monday, okay?
Don't touch me, don't speak to me or I'll forget myself and punch you. Hard.
*makes a fist*

I don't really get what is wrong with me okay, so don't demand an explanation 'cause I fucking have none!!
I'm just pissed off! Really pissed!! head's about to explode...go away!

It hurts.

Sonntag, 15. März 2009

Kingdom Hearts I and II

I tell you playing Kingdom Hearts is fun.
Playing Kingdom Hearts an choose "hard" in the beginning is NO FUN! >______<;;;~
Really, in KH1 my wrist was hurting after the big battles at the end but I felt like "wow, that was amazingly sick!" It was like being high on having killed all those heartless, yeah.
In KH2 my wrist hardly hurt anytime...these "commandoes" you can chose in every damn situation and battle helps you kill the enemy without really getting high and they do all the work for you, if you want to see it that way...
So, for me I liked the fighting style better in the first game, simply because you yourself had to work and "fight".
So I thought after finishing the second game, "hey, why not choose "hard" the next time?"... and I did.
Meh, that was the most stupid idea I ever had...'cause Kingdom Hearts at "hard" was not playable, at least not for me.
There's just not enogh time for me to heal Sora when he gets attacked, and he really does get attacked a lot Ôo;;;~
So I gave up in KH2....and then I wanted to try playing the first game at "hard", yeah my ass.
Again, stupid idea.
I wanted my wrist to be hurting again, I wanted to get high.
But there's just no fucking way to defeat the bosses when you choose "hard", again because I have not enough time for healing Sora every time he got hit and looses half of his HP....
If anybody is actually out there who did win KH1 at "hard", you are my god!!! xD~

...but for me, I give up v.v
I'm going to start anew and play again at "easy", yeah.
Grgrgrgr~ frustraiting.

Me and my girlfriend are currently working on a Kingdom Hearts story with heartless and nobodies, yay! x3
I design the characters, and at the time I have difficulties desinging new cool clothes for sexy!Riku xD~

and...I wanna have a nobody for Riku, too >_<
With black hair and a blindfold, I'm not gonna spoil my precious ideas! xD
But it would be so cool, a black haired Riku-nobody ._.

Samstag, 14. März 2009

What should I do, what schould I have done?

I'm not really into this kind of blogging...anyway, I wanted to try and here I am.
Wanna bet how long I can keep my interest up to write on here? *laugh*

Let's see...
I'm feeling reaaaaally sick these days...kind of down and depressed.
My tummy hurts and my head is about to explode...

~Shards of misery piercing through my soul~

Yeah, writing in English revives my souls, yes.

I know myself, I'm not good at writing down my feelings and problems and then making them official so that everybody can read them...It's not my thing...
And that's exactly why this blog isn't going to be up for long...yeah...
I can't share what's on my mind.

Anyway, I want to watch bleach and read a LeeGaa fanfiction. *A*

Haha~ there it starts... The original intention of writing about my problems in this blog turns (way too) quickly into "writing about anime and manga so I can keep my problems to myself".

I really LUV anime and manga *O*

Byakuya!!!!! Wui~~~ xD~

Oh, and do you guys know Hyde? Ôo
He's gorgeous.

Oi, that's my first post, yay.

See you again?