Today my mum, my sis and me went to the Kirmes.
It was much fun.
We ate chips and pizza and got on the ferry's wheel (well my mum did not xD) and bought strawberries and grape fruits with chocolate *U*
It was a nice and smooth evening, I am very grateful for that.
I'm glad I went.
Tomorrow I have to give my car to my sister, since her car is broken right now and needs to be repaired. The car of her boyfriend is broken, too, so she needs my car to go to work next week. It's not a problem, really, since I have holidays, but....totally being without a car and not have enough money to go enywhere by bus ..is kinda a strange feeling, I tell you xD~
But oh well, I will survive it.
Concering the package: I already requested his "Kassenbeleg" for sending the package.
In my next mail I will tell him to fill out a "Nachforschungsantrag" at DHL and send me a copy of that, too.
Only the one who send the package can request this inquiery, so I need the copies to actually see that he really searches for the package and is not fooling me, you know.
I don't know if I am able to "verklagen" him...since the package was uncovered...and that means I have the responsebility of it all.
We think I cannot request my money back. Shit.
Well...let's see what will come.
I just don't know if we actually can afford a new christmas present then.... v_v;;~
And I ordered a new Manga from amazon.
Right now I'm reading a fanfiction where Naruto is deaf *_*
I like handicapped people in fanfictions and mangas x3333~
See Naono Bohra x3333333~
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