Just now I was soooo uber bored...I stalked youtube...again.
And there I saw an AMV with Celine Dion's song "My heart will go on", the pictures and scenes were from the oooooooold anime "Tico of the seven seas"/"Tico, ein toller Freund".
I just loved to watch it as a kid!!! *_*
There is this red-haired girl, Nanami, being friends with a whale!
I always wanted to have an orca-friend, too xD~
They're just my fav animals after all ^-^
Well, I watched it at random...and I started crying ._.
I never cry.
At least not so soon. A lot must have happened to make me cry.
But this certain scene in which Tico sacrifices her life to save the submarine....I totally lost it! ;___________; Ticoooooooo!!~
It was so heart-wrenching to see the whale with all the bloody sratches and cuts slowly drfting under water, deeper deeper into the icy sea in between all those icebergs...
Nanami was on their ship that time, seeing the submarine being freed and Tico lying motionless in the water....and then drifting down.
She jumped from the ship into the water, swam a bit but because of the icebergs underwater she lost orientation soon...her eyes frantically searching for Tico and then she saw her, drifting deeper into the black of the ocean. She tried to swim to her, but suddenly her dad appeared from behind and hold her back, it was too dangerous. Tico was dying.
And then Nanami sat on the lap of a woman (I cannot remember who she waa actually ^^;) on the ship, gazing far off into nothingness, tears in her eyes - she's not exactly crying, but isn't screaming either.
This scene just touched my heart, so sad! T_T
Awwww~ Tico!!
And she left her baby behind, too!
AntwortenLöschenich hab ne frage und zwar möchte ich im september nach düsseldorf erst ins japanische viertel und dann innen japanischen garten!
am besten an nem wochenende.
haste lust? ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn wir alle zusammen was machen!