A lot has happened these days:
First of all: my sister got married!!!! ^__________^
It was a nice wedding ceremony in the church and the party afterwards was good, too.
Evrything went more or less fine...only my brother hit if off...again. Grr~

School is stressful as always, now thousands of tests are comming up, the next few weeks it will be at least two tests a week, I won't have a live since summer holidays >_>
I fell in love with Yuki Shimizu's Ze *______*
It's a wonderful manga, well-drawn and it has an interesting story!!
Go read it if you haven't, I reccomend it with all my heart!! x3~
Himiiiiii~ x333~
Well, I finally got my hands on the Vamps concert tickets for Paris!!!! HAPPY DESU!!!
Nothing will stop me from going there now! HARHARHAR
THE Gackt Kamui is comming to Germany this July O_O

Yeah you know, I'm not THAT much of a Gackt fan actually... but it's somewhow just surreal that he's comming to Bochum xDDDD~ I cannot come to believe it!
I really wanna go x3~
Tickets will be very very expensive but oh well, I wann go see him!
Lucky me, he's comming when I have summer holidays^^
Well, but there's no one who wants to go with me, all of my friens HATE Gackt o_o;;~
Möp~.... v_v I don't wanna gp alone...
Now I have to go studiyng.